
Discover the Buttons features below


To create this element, with default color styling, you need to add the .btn and .btn-defaultCSS class to any <a>, <input> or <button> element.


Disabled States

You can disable a button element by adding either the .disabled CSS helper class or the disabled parameter.

Link Link

Active States

To make a button element active you need to add the .active CSS helper class.



To change the button elements sizes you need to add one of the following CSS helper classes .btn-xs, .btn-sm, .btn-lg.

Background Colors

You can use the color helper CSS classes to add different background to the button element.

Result Helper class Description
.btn-default This is the default background color.
.btn-primary This is the primary background color.
.btn-succes Used for success actions.
.btn-danger Used for danger actions.
.btn-warning Used for warning actions.
.btn-info Used for information actions.

Rounded buttons

To change the button elements to rounded you have to add the .btn-rounded CSS helper class.

Full Width

To change the button elements to full width (block level) you have to add the .btn-block CSS helper class.

Button Groups

To create button groups you need to wrap buttons inside a <div> with .btn-group CSS helper class.


To change the button groups sizes you need to add one of the following CSS helper classes to the .label-group, .label-group-xs, .label-group-sm, .label-group-lg.


Button toolbars consist of multiple .btn-group elements wrapped inside a <div> with .btn-toolbar CSS helper class.

Nesting Horizontal

By placing a .btn-group within another .btn-group you can create dropdown menus mixed with a series of buttons.

Nesting Vertical

To create vertically nestes button groups you need to wrap the .btn-group elements within a wrapper with .btn-group-vertical CSS helper class.

Justified Groups

To make a group of buttons stretch at equal sizes to span the entire width of its parent, you need to add .label-group-justified to the .label-group element. Also works with button dropdowns within the button group.

Button Dropdowns

Use any button to trigger a dropdown menu by placing it within a .label-group and providing the proper menu markup.

Split Button Dropdowns

Similarly, create split button dropdowns with the same markup changes, only with a separate button.


To change the button dropdowns sizes you need to add one of the following CSS helper classes .label-xs, .label-sm, .label-lg.

Button Dropups

Button dropups are just like regular dropdowns, only they open at the top rather than the bottom. To create a button dropup you need to add the .dropup CSS helper class to the button parent container.